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quite soon

  • 1 soon

    soon [su:n]
       a. ( = before long) bientôt ; ( = quickly) vite
    see you soon! à bientôt !
       b. ( = early) tôt
    how soon can you get here? quand pourrais-tu être là au plus tôt ?
    so soon? déjà ?
    in five years or at his death, whichever is the sooner dans cinq ans ou à sa mort, s'il meurt avant cinq ans
    no sooner said than done! aussitôt dit aussitôt fait !
    as soon as he spoke to her he knew... dès l'instant où il lui a parlé il a su... the sooner
    I'd as soon you... j'aimerais autant que vous... + subj
    * * *
    1) ( in a short time) bientôt
    2) ( quickly) vite
    3) ( early) tôt

    the sooner we leave, the sooner we'll get there — plus nous partirons tôt et plus nous y serons vite

    4) ( not long)

    no sooner had I done something than... — j'avais à peine fait quelque chose que...

    5) ( rather)

    least said soonest mendedProv moins on en dit, mieux ça vaut

    English-French dictionary > soon

  • 2 soon ***** adv

    English-Italian dictionary > soon ***** adv

  • 3 soon

    ( before long) wkrótce, niebawem; ( early) wcześnie
    See also:
    - as
    * * *
    1) (in a short time from now or from the time mentioned: They'll be here sooner than you think; I hope he arrives soon.) niedługo, wkrótce, wcześnie
    2) (early: It's too soon to tell.) wcześnie
    3) (willingly: I would sooner stand than sit.) chętnie
    - no sooner... than
    - sooner or later
    - the sooner the better

    English-Polish dictionary > soon

  • 4 soon

    قَريبًا \ before long: soon: She’ll be ready before long. by: near: he stood by and watched them. presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep. \ See Also حالا (حالاً)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > soon

  • 5 soon

    عَنْ قَريب \ presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep.

    Arabic-English glossary > soon

  • 6 soon

    بَعْدَ قَليل \ shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep.

    Arabic-English glossary > soon

  • 7 قريبا

    قَريبًا \ before long: soon: She’ll be ready before long. by: near: he stood by and watched them. presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep. \ See Also حالا (حالاً)‏ \ قَريبًا من \ close: near: Come closer. Stay close behind me. near: not far away in place or time: She was standing quite near when the accident happened.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قريبا

  • 8 У-92

    СХОДИТЬ/СОЙТИ С УМА VP subj: human
    1. to become insane
    X сошёл с ума - X went (was) mad (crazy, insane, out of his mind, out of his head)
    X lost his mind X went (a)round the bend.
    Чтобы не сойти с ума, надо было действовать решительно и скорее (Пастернак 1). If they were not to go insane they must act quickly and firmly (1a).
    «У него всё теперь, всё на земле совокупилось в Илюше, и умри Илюша, он или с ума сойдёт с горя, или лишит себя жизни» (Достоевский 1). "For him, now, everything on earth has come together in Ilyusha, and if Ilyusha dies, he will either go out of his mind from grief or take his own life" (1a).
    2. Also: ПОСХОДИТЬ С УМА coll ( var. with посходить is used with pl subj) to say or do stupid, nonsensical things, act as if one has gone insane
    X с ума сошёл - X has gone (quite) crazy (mad etc)
    X has gone berserk (nuts etc) X must be crazy (mad, out of his mind etc) X has taken leave of his senses.
    «Они там все вместе с Шутиковым с ума посходили. О трубах только и говорят» (Дудинцев 1). "Shutikov and all the others have gone quite crazy, all they talk about is pipes" (1a).
    Что творится во время приёма! Сегодня было 82 звонка. Телефон выключен. Бездетные дамы с ума сошли и идут... (Булгаков 11). The things that go on during visiting hours! The bell rang eighty-two times today. The telephone was disconnected. Childless ladies have gone berserk and are coming in droves... (1 la).
    Нина:) Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его (Васеньку), защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... (Васенька:) Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату) (Вампилов 4). (N.:) Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him (Vasenka), defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... ( V.:) I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room) (4b).
    «Я вам уже сказал раз! Не приставайте, иначе я прикажу свести вас на берег! Вы с ума сошли!»(Шолохов 5). "I've told you already! Stop accosting me like this, or I'll have you put ashore! You must be mad!" (5a).
    Люди совсем посходили с ума, - покачал головой Соломон Евсеевич. - Мне уже двадцать человек звонили про эти шапки» (Войнович 6). "People have completely taken leave of their senses," said Fishkin, shaking his head. "Twenty phone calls I've had already about these hats" (6a).
    3. coll (pfv past only
    2nd or 3rd pers only) used to express the speaker's reaction to s.o. 's irrational actions, thoughtless statements etc: ты с ума сошёл! = you're (you must be) out of your mind (off your head etc)! are you crazy! you're nuts (crazy etc)!
    «Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда», - сказал Дима... «На родину предков?» - спросил Антон. «Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж» (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima...."To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima indignantly. "To Canada or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
    ...Он (пассажир) взял её голову в свои руки... и всё сказал. На ухо. Шёпотом. «Ну, вот - слава богу! - ответила она, всё выслушав. -Наконец-то можно пойти и уснуть. Спокойной ночи!» - «Вы с ума сошли?! Как это можно?» (Залыгин 1)....He (the passenger) took her head in his hands and...told her everything he had to say, whispering in her ear. When he finished she replied, "At last, thank heaven! At last we can go back to bed. Good night!" "Are you crazy! How can you?" (1a).
    Забегает в бар молодой парень и — к бармену: „В двухсотграммовый стакан можете триста граммов коньяка налить?" Бармен с удивлением: „С ума сошли!"» (Черненок 2). "A young man runs into a bar and says to the bartender: 'Can you pour three hundred grams of cognac into a two-hundred-gram glass?' The bartender says: 'You're nuts!'" (2a).
    4. \У-92 (от чего) ( impfv only) to become very agitated, restless, excited etc (in response to worry, alarm, joy etc)
    X с ума сходит (от Y-a) = (in response to worry, alarm etc) X is going (is nearly) out of his mind ( head) (with Y)
    X is crazy with Y Y is driving (is enough to drive) X crazy (mad, insane) (in response to joy, happiness) X is (going) wild with Y.
    «Лиза, Лиза! - замахала руками Раечка. - Где ты была? Мы вчера просто с ума сходили...» (Абрамов 1). "Liza! Liza!" shouted Raechka, waving her arms. "Where've you been? We were going out of our minds yesterday" (1a).
    «Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину...» (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, it's twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper..." (3a).
    Я с ума сходил от мысли, что скоро опять пойдёт снег. Я не могу видеть, как он падает, падает, падает» (Федин 1). "The thought that snow would soon come again was driving me crazy. I can't bear to see it falling, falling, falling" (1a).
    5. \У-92 от кого-чего, no кому-чему, no ком coll (prep obj: more often human
    impfv only) to be or become excessively delighted by, excited over s.o. or sth.: X с ума сходит no Y-y = X is crazy (wild, mad etc) about Y X goes crazy (wild etc) over Y X loses his head over Y.
    ...Тётушка Хрисула прямо с ума сходила по чёрному инжиру (Искандер 5)....Auntie Chrysoula was really wild about black figs (5a).
    Женщины от него (Кирсанова) с ума сходили, мужчины называли его фатом и втайне завидовали ему (Тургенев 2). Women lost their heads over him, and men dubbed him a fop but were secretly envious (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > У-92

  • 9 посходить с ума

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to become insane:
    - X сошёл с ума X went (was) mad (crazy, insane, out of his mind, out of his head);
    - X went (a)round the bend.
         ♦ Чтобы не сойти с ума, надо было действовать решительно и скорее (Пастернак 1). If they were not to go insane they must act quickly and firmly (1a).
         ♦ "У него всё теперь, всё на земле совокупилось в Илюше, и умри Илюша, он или с ума сойдёт с горя, или лишит себя жизни" (Достоевский 1). "For him, now, everything on earth has come together in Ilyusha, and if Ilyusha dies, he will either go out of his mind from grief or take his own life" (1a).
    2. Also: ПОСХОДИТЬ С УМА coll [var. with посходить is used with pl subj]
    to say or do stupid, nonsensical things, act as if one has gone insane:
    - X с ума сошёл X has gone (quite) crazy (mad etc);
    - X has gone berserk (nuts etc);
    - X must be crazy (mad, out of his mind etc);
    - X has taken leave of his senses.
         ♦ "Они там все вместе с Шутиковым с ума посходили. О трубах только и говорят" (Дудинцев 1). "Shutikov and all the others have gone quite crazy; all they talk about is pipes" (1a).
         ♦ Что творится во время приёма! Сегодня было 82 звонка. Телефон выключен. Бездетные дамы с ума сошли и идут... (Булгаков 11). The things that go on during visiting hours! The bell rang eighty-two times today. The telephone was disconnected. Childless ladies have gone berserk and are coming in droves... (11a).
         ♦ [Нина:] Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его [Васеньку], защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... [Васенька:] Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату) (Вампилов 4). [N.:] Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him [Vasenka], defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... [V.: ] I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room) (4b).
         ♦ "Я вам уже сказал раз! Не приставайте, иначе я прикажу свести вас на берег! Вы с ума сошли!"(Шолохов 5). "I've told you already! Stop accosting me like this, or I'll have you put ashore! You must be mad!" (5a).
         ♦ "Люди совсем посходили с ума, - покачал головой Соломон Евсеевич. - Мне уже двадцать человек звонили про эти шапки" (Войнович 6). "People have completely taken leave of their senses," said Fishkin, shaking his head. "TVventy phone calls I've had already about these hats" (6a).
    3. coll [pfv past only; 2nd or 3rd pers only]
    used to express the speaker's reaction to s.o.'s irrational actions, thoughtless statements etc:
    - ты с ума сошёл! you're (you must be) out of your mind (off your head etc)!;
    - are you crazy!;
    - you're nuts (crazy etc)!
         ♦ "Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда", - сказал Дима... "На родину предков?" - спросил Антон. "Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж" (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima.... "To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima indignantly. "To Canada or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
         ♦...Он [пассажир] взял её голову в свои руки... и всё сказал. На ухо. Шёпотом. "Ну, вот - слава богу! - ответила она, всё выслушав. - Наконец-то можно пойти и уснуть. Спокойной ночи!" - "Вы с ума сошли?! Как это можно?" (Залыгин 1).... Не [the passenger] took her head in his hands and...told her everything he had to say, whispering in her ear. When he finished she replied, "At last, thank heaven! At last we can go back to bed. Good night!" "Are you crazy! How can you?" (1a).
         ♦ "Забегает в бар молодой парень и - к бармену: "В двухсотграммовый стакан можете триста граммов коньяка налить?" Бармен с удивлением: "С ума сошли!"" (Чернёнок 2). "A young man runs into a bar and says to the bartender: 'Can you pour three hundred grams of cognac into a two-hundred-gram glass?' The bartender says: 'You're nuts!'" (2a).
    4. посходить с ума (от чего) [impfv only]
    to become very agitated, restless, excited etc (in response to worry, alarm, joy etc):
    - X с ума сходит (от Y-a) [in response to worry, alarm etc] X is going (is nearly) out of his mind (head) (with Y);
    - Y is driving (is enough to drive) X crazy (mad, insane);
    - [in response to joy, happiness] X is (going) wild with Y.
         ♦ "Лиза, Лиза! - замахала руками Раечка. -где ты была? Мы вчера просто с ума сходили..." (Абрамов 1). "Liza! Liza!" shouted Raechka, waving her arms. "Where've you been? We were going out of our minds yesterday" (1a).
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, it's twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper..." (3a).
         ♦ "Я с ума сходил от мысли, что скоро опять пойдёт снег. Я не могу видеть, как он падает, падает, падает" (Федин 1). "The thought that snow would soon come again was driving me crazy. I can't bear to see it falling, falling, falling" (1a).
    5. посходить с ума от кого-чего, по кому-чему, по ком coll [prep obj: more often human; impfv only]
    to be or become excessively delighted by, excited over s.o. or sth.:
    - X с ума сходит no Y-y X is crazy (wild, mad etc) about Y;
    - X goes crazy (wild etc) over Y;
    - X loses his head over Y.
         ♦...Тётушка Хрисула прямо с ума сходила по чёрному инжиру (Искандер 5)....Auntie Chrysoula was really wild about black figs (5a).
         ♦ Женщины от него [Кирсанова] с ума сходили, мужчины называли его фатом и втайне завидовали ему (Тургенев 2). Women lost their heads over him, and men dubbed him a fop but were secretly envious (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > посходить с ума

  • 10 сойти с ума

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to become insane:
    - X сошёл с ума X went (was) mad (crazy, insane, out of his mind, out of his head);
    - X went (a)round the bend.
         ♦ Чтобы не сойти с ума, надо было действовать решительно и скорее (Пастернак 1). If they were not to go insane they must act quickly and firmly (1a).
         ♦ "У него всё теперь, всё на земле совокупилось в Илюше, и умри Илюша, он или с ума сойдёт с горя, или лишит себя жизни" (Достоевский 1). "For him, now, everything on earth has come together in Ilyusha, and if Ilyusha dies, he will either go out of his mind from grief or take his own life" (1a).
    2. Also: ПОСХОДИТЬ С УМА coll [var. with посходить is used with pl subj]
    to say or do stupid, nonsensical things, act as if one has gone insane:
    - X с ума сошёл X has gone (quite) crazy (mad etc);
    - X has gone berserk (nuts etc);
    - X must be crazy (mad, out of his mind etc);
    - X has taken leave of his senses.
         ♦ "Они там все вместе с Шутиковым с ума посходили. О трубах только и говорят" (Дудинцев 1). "Shutikov and all the others have gone quite crazy; all they talk about is pipes" (1a).
         ♦ Что творится во время приёма! Сегодня было 82 звонка. Телефон выключен. Бездетные дамы с ума сошли и идут... (Булгаков 11). The things that go on during visiting hours! The bell rang eighty-two times today. The telephone was disconnected. Childless ladies have gone berserk and are coming in droves... (11a).
         ♦ [Нина:] Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его [Васеньку], защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... [Васенька:] Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату) (Вампилов 4). [N.:] Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him [Vasenka], defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... [V.: ] I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room) (4b).
         ♦ "Я вам уже сказал раз! Не приставайте, иначе я прикажу свести вас на берег! Вы с ума сошли!"(Шолохов 5). "I've told you already! Stop accosting me like this, or I'll have you put ashore! You must be mad!" (5a).
         ♦ "Люди совсем посходили с ума, - покачал головой Соломон Евсеевич. - Мне уже двадцать человек звонили про эти шапки" (Войнович 6). "People have completely taken leave of their senses," said Fishkin, shaking his head. "TVventy phone calls I've had already about these hats" (6a).
    3. coll [pfv past only; 2nd or 3rd pers only]
    used to express the speaker's reaction to s.o.'s irrational actions, thoughtless statements etc:
    - ты с ума сошёл! you're (you must be) out of your mind (off your head etc)!;
    - are you crazy!;
    - you're nuts (crazy etc)!
         ♦ "Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда", - сказал Дима... "На родину предков?" - спросил Антон. "Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж" (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima.... "To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima indignantly. "To Canada or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
         ♦...Он [пассажир] взял её голову в свои руки... и всё сказал. На ухо. Шёпотом. "Ну, вот - слава богу! - ответила она, всё выслушав. - Наконец-то можно пойти и уснуть. Спокойной ночи!" - "Вы с ума сошли?! Как это можно?" (Залыгин 1).... Не [the passenger] took her head in his hands and...told her everything he had to say, whispering in her ear. When he finished she replied, "At last, thank heaven! At last we can go back to bed. Good night!" "Are you crazy! How can you?" (1a).
         ♦ "Забегает в бар молодой парень и - к бармену: "В двухсотграммовый стакан можете триста граммов коньяка налить?" Бармен с удивлением: "С ума сошли!"" (Чернёнок 2). "A young man runs into a bar and says to the bartender: 'Can you pour three hundred grams of cognac into a two-hundred-gram glass?' The bartender says: 'You're nuts!'" (2a).
    4. сойти с ума (от чего) [impfv only]
    to become very agitated, restless, excited etc (in response to worry, alarm, joy etc):
    - X с ума сходит (от Y-a) [in response to worry, alarm etc] X is going (is nearly) out of his mind (head) (with Y);
    - Y is driving (is enough to drive) X crazy (mad, insane);
    - [in response to joy, happiness] X is (going) wild with Y.
         ♦ "Лиза, Лиза! - замахала руками Раечка. -где ты была? Мы вчера просто с ума сходили..." (Абрамов 1). "Liza! Liza!" shouted Raechka, waving her arms. "Where've you been? We were going out of our minds yesterday" (1a).
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, it's twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper..." (3a).
         ♦ "Я с ума сходил от мысли, что скоро опять пойдёт снег. Я не могу видеть, как он падает, падает, падает" (Федин 1). "The thought that snow would soon come again was driving me crazy. I can't bear to see it falling, falling, falling" (1a).
    5. сойти с ума от кого-чего, по кому-чему, по ком coll [prep obj: more often human; impfv only]
    to be or become excessively delighted by, excited over s.o. or sth.:
    - X с ума сходит no Y-y X is crazy (wild, mad etc) about Y;
    - X goes crazy (wild etc) over Y;
    - X loses his head over Y.
         ♦...Тётушка Хрисула прямо с ума сходила по чёрному инжиру (Искандер 5)....Auntie Chrysoula was really wild about black figs (5a).
         ♦ Женщины от него [Кирсанова] с ума сходили, мужчины называли его фатом и втайне завидовали ему (Тургенев 2). Women lost their heads over him, and men dubbed him a fop but were secretly envious (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сойти с ума

  • 11 сходить с ума

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. to become insane:
    - X сошёл с ума X went (was) mad (crazy, insane, out of his mind, out of his head);
    - X went (a)round the bend.
         ♦ Чтобы не сойти с ума, надо было действовать решительно и скорее (Пастернак 1). If they were not to go insane they must act quickly and firmly (1a).
         ♦ "У него всё теперь, всё на земле совокупилось в Илюше, и умри Илюша, он или с ума сойдёт с горя, или лишит себя жизни" (Достоевский 1). "For him, now, everything on earth has come together in Ilyusha, and if Ilyusha dies, he will either go out of his mind from grief or take his own life" (1a).
    2. Also: ПОСХОДИТЬ С УМА coll [var. with посходить is used with pl subj]
    to say or do stupid, nonsensical things, act as if one has gone insane:
    - X с ума сошёл X has gone (quite) crazy (mad etc);
    - X has gone berserk (nuts etc);
    - X must be crazy (mad, out of his mind etc);
    - X has taken leave of his senses.
         ♦ "Они там все вместе с Шутиковым с ума посходили. О трубах только и говорят" (Дудинцев 1). "Shutikov and all the others have gone quite crazy; all they talk about is pipes" (1a).
         ♦ Что творится во время приёма! Сегодня было 82 звонка. Телефон выключен. Бездетные дамы с ума сошли и идут... (Булгаков 11). The things that go on during visiting hours! The bell rang eighty-two times today. The telephone was disconnected. Childless ladies have gone berserk and are coming in droves... (11a).
         ♦ [Нина:] Давайте, давайте, оправдывайте его [Васеньку], защищайте. Если хотите, чтобы он совсем рехнулся... [Васенька:] Я с ума хочу сходить, понятно тебе? Сходить с ума и ни о чём не думать! И оставь меня в покое! (Уходит в другую комнату) (Вампилов 4). [N.:] Go ahead, go ahead and agree with him [Vasenka], defend him. If you want him to go completely crazy.... [V.: ] I want to go nuts, understand? Go nuts and not think about anything! So leave me alone! (He goes into the other room) (4b).
         ♦ "Я вам уже сказал раз! Не приставайте, иначе я прикажу свести вас на берег! Вы с ума сошли!"(Шолохов 5). "I've told you already! Stop accosting me like this, or I'll have you put ashore! You must be mad!" (5a).
         ♦ "Люди совсем посходили с ума, - покачал головой Соломон Евсеевич. - Мне уже двадцать человек звонили про эти шапки" (Войнович 6). "People have completely taken leave of their senses," said Fishkin, shaking his head. "TVventy phone calls I've had already about these hats" (6a).
    3. coll [pfv past only; 2nd or 3rd pers only]
    used to express the speaker's reaction to s.o.'s irrational actions, thoughtless statements etc:
    - ты с ума сошёл! you're (you must be) out of your mind (off your head etc)!;
    - are you crazy!;
    - you're nuts (crazy etc)!
         ♦ "Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда", - сказал Дима... "На родину предков?" - спросил Антон. "Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж" (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima.... "To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima indignantly. "To Canada or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
         ♦...Он [пассажир] взял её голову в свои руки... и всё сказал. На ухо. Шёпотом. "Ну, вот - слава богу! - ответила она, всё выслушав. - Наконец-то можно пойти и уснуть. Спокойной ночи!" - "Вы с ума сошли?! Как это можно?" (Залыгин 1).... Не [the passenger] took her head in his hands and...told her everything he had to say, whispering in her ear. When he finished she replied, "At last, thank heaven! At last we can go back to bed. Good night!" "Are you crazy! How can you?" (1a).
         ♦ "Забегает в бар молодой парень и - к бармену: "В двухсотграммовый стакан можете триста граммов коньяка налить?" Бармен с удивлением: "С ума сошли!"" (Чернёнок 2). "A young man runs into a bar and says to the bartender: 'Can you pour three hundred grams of cognac into a two-hundred-gram glass?' The bartender says: 'You're nuts!'" (2a).
    4. сходить с ума (от чего) [impfv only]
    to become very agitated, restless, excited etc (in response to worry, alarm, joy etc):
    - X с ума сходит (от Y-a) [in response to worry, alarm etc] X is going (is nearly) out of his mind (head) (with Y);
    - Y is driving (is enough to drive) X crazy (mad, insane);
    - [in response to joy, happiness] X is (going) wild with Y.
         ♦ "Лиза, Лиза! - замахала руками Раечка. -где ты была? Мы вчера просто с ума сходили..." (Абрамов 1). "Liza! Liza!" shouted Raechka, waving her arms. "Where've you been? We were going out of our minds yesterday" (1a).
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, it's twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper..." (3a).
         ♦ "Я с ума сходил от мысли, что скоро опять пойдёт снег. Я не могу видеть, как он падает, падает, падает" (Федин 1). "The thought that snow would soon come again was driving me crazy. I can't bear to see it falling, falling, falling" (1a).
    5. сходить с ума от кого-чего, по кому-чему, по ком coll [prep obj: more often human; impfv only]
    to be or become excessively delighted by, excited over s.o. or sth.:
    - X с ума сходит no Y-y X is crazy (wild, mad etc) about Y;
    - X goes crazy (wild etc) over Y;
    - X loses his head over Y.
         ♦...Тётушка Хрисула прямо с ума сходила по чёрному инжиру (Искандер 5)....Auntie Chrysoula was really wild about black figs (5a).
         ♦ Женщины от него [Кирсанова] с ума сходили, мужчины называли его фатом и втайне завидовали ему (Тургенев 2). Women lost their heads over him, and men dubbed him a fop but were secretly envious (2c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сходить с ума

  • 12 بعد

    بَعْدَ \ after: at a later time than: He arrived after I left, later than: after dinner, next in order: 7 is the number after 6, (of repeated events): I warned him time after time. past: after (in time): It’s past midnight. It’s half past twelve. It’s ten (minutes) to two now; I’ll meet you at twenty (minutes) past. beyond: to the farther side of: This bus doesn’t go beyond the station, on the farther side of: My farm is beyond this. in: showing a space of time before sth. will happen; after: I’ll come in a few days (or in a minute). past: beyond: My house is just past the crossroads, but his is a long way past. \ بَعْدَ الآن \ any more: ever again: I shan’t go there any more. \ بَعْدَ التَّحِيَّة \ sir: a formal opening to a business letter or official letter: Dear Sir (or Sirs),.... \ بَعْد ذَلك \ next: after this; after that: What shall we do next?. since: after; during the period after: I saw him on Tuesday, but I haven’t seen him since. \ بَعْدَ طُولِ انتظار \ at long last: after a very great delay. \ بَعْدَ الظُّهْر \ afternoon: the time between midday and evening. \ بَعْدَ فَوات الوقت \ late: after the proper time: I was late for school because my bus was late. \ See Also متأخرا (مُتَأَخِّرًا)‏ \ بَعْدَ قَليل \ shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep. \ بَعْدَ كلّ شيء \ last thing: after everything else: I lock the doors last thing, before I go to bed. \ بَعْدَ لاَْي \ at long last: after a very great delay. \ بَعْدَ لَحَظَات \ in a minute: very soon: The bus will be here in a minute. \ بَعْدَ مُدَّة قصيرة \ before long: soon: She’ll be ready before long. \ بَعْدَ مُنْتَصَف اللَّيل \ morning: the time between midnight and midday: He did not go to bed till two o’clock in the morning (2:00 a.m.). \ See Also صباح (صَبَاح)‏ \ بَعْدَ...بِقَلِيل \ soon after: a short time after: The train left soon after 6:00. \ بَعْدَ قَليل \ by and by: after a while; later on.

    Arabic-English dictionary > بعد

  • 13 before long

    قَريبًا \ before long: soon: She’ll be ready before long. by: near: he stood by and watched them. presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep. \ See Also حالا (حالاً)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > before long

  • 14 by

    قَريبًا \ before long: soon: She’ll be ready before long. by: near: he stood by and watched them. presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep. \ See Also حالا (حالاً)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > by

  • 15 presently

    قَريبًا \ before long: soon: She’ll be ready before long. by: near: he stood by and watched them. presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep. \ See Also حالا (حالاً)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > presently

  • 16 shortly

    قَريبًا \ before long: soon: She’ll be ready before long. by: near: he stood by and watched them. presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep. \ See Also حالا (حالاً)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > shortly

  • 17 عن

    عَنْ \ about: concerning: This is a book about snakes. for: instead of: I’m busy, so please do it for me. from: showing separation, distance, etc.: He took it away from her. He was far from home. of: (after an adj.) showing separation; from: a mile north of the town; free of trouble, (after an adj. or verb) concerning. off: (showing removal or separation) from: He jumped off his horse. She took her coat off the hook, (of movement) away from The car turned off the road into a field. on: (showing the subject) about; Is this a book on birds?. \ عَنْ بُعْد \ from afar: from a great distance. \ عَنْ رِضًى \ readily: willingly. \ عَنْ طَرِيق \ by: (showing how sth. is done): We travel by land (or by car). We did that by mistake. We learn by experience. We earn money by working. care of: (often written c/o) at the address of: Write to me c/o the George Hotel. through: by means of; as a result of: I heard the news through a friend. He lost his way through having no map. via: by way of; passing through: We flew from London to Geneva via Paris. \ عَنْ طَرِيق (خِلالَ)‏ \ by: (showing the way used) along; across; over; through: He came by the main road (or by the fields or by the bridge). \ عَنْ طَرِيق الخَطَأ \ by mistake: not on purpose; not meaning to do wrong: I took the wrong coat by mistake. in error: by mistake: I stuck the stamp upsidedown in error. mistakenly: adv. (usu. before the verb) by mistake: He mistakenly put petrol in the water container. \ عَنْ طِيب خاطِر \ readily; willingly: gladly; readily. \ عَنْ عَمْد \ on purpose: intentionally; not by mistake or by chance: I left the window open on purpose, to let in some fresh air. \ عَنْ قَريب \ presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep. \ عَنْ قَصْد \ on purpose: intentionally; not by mistake or by chance: I left the window open on purpose, to let in some fresh air.

    Arabic-English dictionary > عن

  • 18 presently

    عَنْ قَريب \ presently: soon: Dinner will be ready presently. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep.

    Arabic-English glossary > presently

  • 19 shortly

    بَعْدَ قَليل \ shortly: soon: We’ll be ready shortly. soon: in a short time: We shall be ready quite soon. He jumped into bed and was soon asleep.

    Arabic-English glossary > shortly

  • 20 К-235

    НА ХУДОЙ КОНЕЦ coll PrepP Invar sent adv ( occas. parenth) fixed WO
    in the worst case, under the most disagreeable circumstances
    if (the) worst comes to (the) worst
    if worse comes to worse at worst at the (very) worst (in limited contexts) at (the very) least.
    «Ты представляешь себе, какой поднимется шум, когда кто-нибудь из них для начала преподнесёт читающей публике „Ревизора" или, на самый худой конец, „Евгения Онегина"!» (Булгаков 9). "Can you imagine the furore when one of them will, as a starter, present the reading public with an Inspector General or, if worst comes to worst, a Yevgeny OneginV (9a).
    Если бы была нужда, на худой конец можно было бы придумать легенду и о вилле фон Фрейлебен. Но нужды нет (Федин 1). If there were а need to and worse came to worse, it would be possible to invent a legend about the Villa von Freileben as well. But there is no need (1a).
    Итак, друзья мои, мы, по всей вероятности, будем сматываться отсюда», — сказал Дима... «На родину предков?» -спросил Антон. «Ты с ума сошёл, - возмутился Дима. - В Канаду или США. На худой конец - в Париж» (Зиновьев 2). "Well, then, my friends, we'll probably be pushing off quite soon," said Dima.... To return to the land of your forefathers?" Anton asked. "You must be off your head," said Dima, indignantly. "To Canada, or to the States. Paris at worst" (2a).
    «Что тебе стоило согласиться или на худой конец промолчать?» (Распутин 2). "What would it have cost you to agree or at least to say nothing?" (2a).
    Ф Когда разгорелось пламя, Пётр Житов в ознаменование нынешнего исторического события... предложил выбить памятную медаль или на худой конец сковать подкову на счастье (Абрамов 1). When the flames were blazing, Pyotr Zhitov proposed that to mark this historic event...a memorial medal be struck, or that at the very least a lucky horseshoe be forged (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-235

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